
Dry goods! How to choose adsorbent for adsorption dryer.


When the adsorption dryer is lifted, the adsorbent has to be lifted. Common adsorbents are silica gel, activated alumina and molecular sieve. Adsorption dryer can have higher performance and more energy-saving effect only when high-quality adsorbents are used. When choosing a suitable adsorbent for adsorption dryer, we can consider the following points:


Compression hot dryer

1. Adsorption capacity

Adsorption capacity refers to the larger amount of adsorbent that can be adsorbed per unit mass (or unit volume) at a certain temperature and adsorbate concentration. Generally, adsorbents with large specific surface area have large adsorption capacity and strong adsorption capacity. The specific surface area of adsorbents includes the outer surface area and inner surface area of particles, and the inner surface area is always much larger than the outer surface area. Only porous substances with highly loose structure and huge exposed surface area can provide huge specific surface area. The adsorption capacity is not only related to the surface area of adsorbent, but also related to the pore size, pore size distribution, molecular polarity and functional group properties of adsorbent molecules. The adsorption capacity is large, which can reduce the amount of adsorbent needed to treat unit fluid.

2. Compressive strength

Adsorbents need to bear continuous cycle load during the operation of dryer. Due to this load, low-quality adsorbents are easily decomposed. This will cause the adsorbent to lose its water retention capacity quickly. In addition, it produces small dust particles that clog valves and downstream dust filters as well as silencers. In the process of maintenance, these dusts will also cause harm to health and environment. This means that high-quality adsorbents need to have high compressive strength.



3. Adsorption selectivity

Adsorbents should have good adsorption selectivity, because different adsorbents have different preferential adsorption capacity due to their different compositions and structures. Only with good selectivity can gaseous mixtures be purified economically and effectively.

4. It has certain adsorption and separation ability

The purpose of using adsorbent is to meet the requirements of separation and purification of mixed gas (liquid) in process. Adsorbents should have the ability to separate and purify gas (liquid) under a specific condition.

5. Water resistance

Adsorbents degrade when they come into contact with liquid water. The waterproof adsorbent material is provided at the bottom of the container of the adsorption dryer, which can improve the performance of the adsorbent and prolong the service life of the adsorbent.




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