
Singapore microphone companies choose micro air consumption blast heat drying machine


Location: Singapore

Industry: Microphone

Product: Micro air consumption blast heat drying machine

The customer is a leading global supplier of MEMS microphones with leading electro-acoustic technology and comprehensive packaging processes. After a lot of comparison and investigation, we choose SAIFUAIR micro air consumption blast heat drying machine to provide low dew point, stable and reliable compressed air for microphone production. In the production process of the microphone, compressed air is used in the following links:


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1. Test session

During the production and quality control process of the microphone, various tests may be required to ensure the performance and quality of the product. Compressed air testing may be used to simulate sound transmission and reception under different environmental conditions to evaluate the performance of the microphone. This test method can ensure the stability and reliability of the microphone in various practical use scenarios.

2. Clean and purge

During assembly, compressed air may be used to clean tiny components inside the microphone or to purge dust and impurities. Compressed air has the characteristics of efficient and residue-free cleaning, which can effectively improve production efficiency and product quality.


Micro air consumption blast heat drying machine

3. Assembly and commissioning

Compressed air can play a key role in the assembly and commissioning of certain types of microphones, such as compressed air microphones. For example, the working principle of compressed air microphones is based on the principle of compressed air vibration to produce sound, so it is necessary to ensure the supply and control of compressed air during assembly and commissioning.





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