
SAIFUAIR 255 cubic cold drying machine to promote textile enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency


Location: Nantong 

Industry: Textile 

Product: 255 cubic meters dry machine 

The customer is an enterprise mainly engaged in the whole textile industry chain, planning to build a polyester fiber production capacity of 3.3 million tons and textured silk processing capacity of 1 million tons, the annual revenue is expected to be 70 billion yuan after completion, will become a higher concentration of domestic and foreign textile new materials industry base. The air compressor equipment in the textile industry in addition to the need to meet the stable energy saving of the air source, but also to ensure that the compressed air is dry, oil-free and clean, this time the cold dryer is particularly important. After investigation and comparison, the customer finally chose Safre cold dryer, with a capacity of 255 cubic meters, under the premise of energy saving and stability, the output of high quality compressed air.


255 cubic cold drying machine

The cold and dry machine is based on the principle of freezing dehumidification, the saturated compressed air from the upstream is cooled to a certain dew point temperature through the heat exchange with the refrigerant, and a large amount of liquid water is condensed out at the same time, and then automatically discharged from the machine after the separation of the gas-liquid separator to achieve the effect of water drying. The refrigerated compressed air dryer is divided into two categories according to the cooling method of the refrigeration system: air-cooled and water-cooled, and is divided into standard series and high temperature series according to the compressed air inlet temperature.


The project was shot on site


SAIFUAIR is mainly engaged in the research and development, manufacturing and marketing of compressed air purification equipment. At present, there are core products such as cold dryer, non-heat drying machine, micro heat drying machine, combined dryer, compression heat regeneration drying machine, blast heating drying machine, precision filter. Seifer dry machine has the following advantages in textile enterprises: 1, simple operation, reduce the burden of staff, save labor costs; 2, the air outlet is equipped with heat recovery device, good return temperature, no condensation; 3, specially equipped with double automatic balance control system, so that the pressure dew point is always maintained in a better state; 4, can save more energy, really for the enterprise real cost reduction and efficiency.





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